Paljon ajatuskuplia. jotka ovat kaikki erivärisiä ja päällekkäin. Ajatuksen osatkin voi olla erivärisiä. Kuvastaa ajattelemista, missä monet asiat menevät lomittain ja sekaisin. Ajatukset ovat eri muotoisia, niin kuin kuplatkin ovat. Jotku pitkiä, jotkut kapeita, jotkut sopivia. Kuvastaa maailmankaikkeutta...
Head full of thoughts, which go around and around. Therefore some thoughts are big and some small and all are in different colours and shapes. Some would feel this distressing and some releasing. One can choose what one feels...
Head full of thoughts, which go around and around. Therefore some thoughts are big and some small and all are in different colours and shapes. Some would feel this distressing and some releasing. One can choose what one feels...
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